Coaches Code of Conduct
Participation in school and district activities and athletic events are an important part of our students' education and development. With your participation as a coach comes a great responsibility to protect the well being of each of our students. It is your job to ensure that each student is treated with respect and accorded the opportunity to develop that he or she needs and deserves.
This Code of Conduct has been written for all persons who will be working with our students in activities. All coaches should take time to review this document thoroughly and reflect on its implications for their particular role. Veteran coaches and sponsors should annually review the coach expectations.
Coaches must adhere to the following standards of conduct. It is important for all coaches to understand that this list is not exhaustive. It is intended to provide specific, but not exclusive, examples of the standards of conduct that are appropriate for persons who coach student activities.
- It is your responsibility to speak and act respectfully to all students, staff, parents and members of the public.
- Possession of or use of alcohol, drugs and/or tobacco or being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is not permitted while in the company of students whether on or off district property.
- Remarks that refer to an individual's race, sex, religion, national origin or mental or physical disability are not permitted.
- Language or jokes that may be offensive to others are not permitted.
- Clear notice must be given when entering locker rooms or other private areas occupied by members of the opposite gender.
- Coaches must not have physical contact with students that are likely to cause the student to be uncomfortable.
- Fraternization between coaches and students is strictly prohibited. This includes close personal or special relationships, dating and/or sexual contact.
- Sexual harassment of any person is expressly prohibited. Coaches must refrain from all gestures, comments or physical contact that a reasonable person may judge as unwelcome.
- Threatening comments or profane language damaging to students' self-esteem are not permitted.
- Extreme care should be used to monitor the physical condition of students. This is particularly important in extremely cold or hot weather.
- Coaches are encouraged to pay attention to and develop all students to his/her individual potential.
- Except in an emergency that threatens the life or immediate safety of a student or other person, coaches may not drive students home (or to any other location) from practice or events, if by doing so, the coach or sponsor will, at any time during the drive, be alone with one student.
- The sale of personal objects or general merchandise not endorsed by Parkway or Rockwood School District is not permitted.