Behavior Management and Discipline Guidelines
Parkway-Rockwood Community Education participants and guests are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The following guidelines have been developed to help make Community Education programs safe and enjoyable for all. While additional guidelines may be developed for particular programs as deemed necessary by Community Education staff, it is expected that all participants and guests shall:
- Show respect to all other participants and guests, and accept direction from Community Education staff, contractual service providers and program volunteers.
- Refrain from using abusive or foul language.
- Refrain from causing disruption or threatening bodily harm to self, other participants, guests, Community Education staff, contractual service providers or program volunteers.
- Show respect to equipment, supplies and facilities.
Parkway-Rockwood Community Education has a philosophy of discipline that is based on respect for the participant and others. We advocate a positive guidance and discipline policy with an emphasis on positive reinforcement, redirection, prevention, and the development of self-discipline. Program rules are established for safety purposes and the purpose of creating a common standard of behavior. Program staff, contractual service providers and volunteers are prepared to model and encourage this standard in our participants. Our expectation is to prevent unacceptable behavior by providing positive alternatives before anything negative happens. If inappropriate behavior occurs, prompt resolution will be sought specific to each individual’s situation.
In the event that participants or guests exhibit inappropriate actions, Community Education staff, contractual service providers and volunteers will determine the severity of the action and take immediate steps to correct it. These actions may include but are not limited to:
- A corrective discussion or verbal warning and attempt to redirect.
- If a verbal warning and attempt to redirect are unsuccessful, a logical consequence will be determined to both meet the needs of the participant or guest and prevent the behavior from continuing. The consequence may vary depending on the behavior exhibited, the age & development of the participant or guest, as well as the setting.
- A supervised time-out from the program. The type of time-out may vary according to the situation.
- A discussion with parents when involving youth participants or guests.
- If inappropriate behavior persists, further action may be required. Options may include but are not limited to:
- A behavior modification plan developed and implemented. Those involved in the development may include, but not be limited to, Community Education staff, parent/guardian, school personnel and other support professionals. This behavior modification plan should be monitored and reviewed as needed.
- Suspension from program for a designated time period. When determining timeframes for suspension, Community Education staff will consider the severity of the actions, the length of the program, any past behavior issues and the willingness of participant to cooperate.
- Adjustment, reduction or modification of timeframe that participant is allowed to attend program.
- Transfer to another program where inappropriate behavior may be less likely to occur.
- Removal from program. Community Education reserves the right to dismiss a participant or guest whose behavior endangers his or her own safety or the safety of others. Serious behavior concerns, including but not limited to the following list of offenses, may result in immediate removal from the program at the discretion of the program staff: bullying; assault (intentionally causing or attempting to cause injury to a person, intentionally threatening to place or placing a person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury, or causing physical contact with another person knowing the other person will regard the contact as offensive or provocative); threats; fighting; harassment; sexual harassment; sexual misconduct; intentional damaging or defacing of property; false fire alarm, 911 call or bomb threat; intentional attempt to start an unsupervised fire; use or possession of any type of fireworks, explosives, ammunition, firearms, knives or other objects which could be used as dangerous weapons; use, possession, consumption, transfer, sale, distribution, manufacture, production, or any attempt thereof, of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, drugs, or drug paraphernalia; discriminatory, disrespectful, or demeaning language/conduct; stealing; and willful insubordination; or any situation which, in the opinion of the program director and/or designee a participant poses a threat of harm to such participant or others.
Behavior issues involving participants at Community Education Programs may be reported to the participant’s school district of attendance and/or local law enforcement as appropriate, and in the discretion of Community Education staff. Further, the Parkway and Rockwood School Districts reserve the right to discipline their students for Code of Conduct violations that occur at Community Education Programs, as permitted under their respective Student Discipline Codes and state law.
Should you have any questions regarding this Behavior Management and Discipline Policy, please contact Parkway-Rockwood Community Education at or 636-891-6644.